Game Description

PokerTH is a virtual card game that delivers an authentic Texas Hold 'em experience. It is also open source and cross platform, and its thriving community ensures consistent evolution and timely updates. PokerTH uses an attractive yet minimalist card set and interface that favor functionality and performance over style. However, if the player prefers something more elaborate, they can customize their experience with the dozens of freely available decks and tabletops.
  • A sophisticated Texas Hold 'em implementation
  • Powerful and adjustable AI allows for a true challenge
  • One of the few poker solitaire options
  • Unparalleled customization and versatility
  • Online, LAN and local play at no charge

Local or Online

PokerTH is an extremely versatile Texas Hold 'em game. Players can play locally, with one or ten players on a single machine, or they can play via LAN or Internet. PokerTH even has dedicated servers for the Internet games. The PokerTH website also has leaderboards and tournament data, which delivers that online cardroom experience but without the hassle and big costs. Players can also set up the same functionality for the LAN games, which is a perfect tool for poker clubs.
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